本文由Collins出书白虎 a片,作家是Anna Claybourne。著作论述了黑洞的成见、黑洞的变成等科普常识。
Dark stars
When telescopes were invented in 1609, scientists pointed them at the sky and began to find out much more about space. Italian scientist Galileo used an early telescope to see Saturn's rings and Jupiter's moons, and he discovered that the Milky Way was made of billions of stars.
千里镜在1609年被发明出来时白虎 a片,科学家们把它们瞄准天际,开动发现更多对于天外的信息。意大利科学家伽利略用早期千里镜看到了土星的光环和木星的卫星。他还发现星河系是由数十亿颗恒星构成的。
In 1784, a scientist called John Michell wrote about strange objects in space that swallowed light. He said that you could not see these objects, but he knew that they could make other stars move in a strange way. He called these objects "dark stars", but it was not until the 20th century that scientists found signs that dark stars really do exist. Today, we call them black holes.
What are black holes?
Black holes aren't actually holes. They don't lead anywhere - you can't go through a black hole and end up somewhere else.
A black hole is more like a tiny, invisible point in space, which works like a powerful plughole. Objects that come close to a black hole get pulled towards it, then disappear into it - whether they're very small, like dust, or large, like rocks. Black holes can even swallow whole moons, planets and stars. If a spaceship flew too close to a black hole, it would get pulled in too. So would you, if you were floating past in a spacesuit.
黑洞更像是空间中一个细小的、看不见的点,它就像一个巨大的塞孔。联接黑洞的物体会被拉向黑洞白虎 a片,然后灭亡在黑洞中——岂论这些物体是很小的,比如尘埃,已经很大的,比如岩石。黑洞以致不错归拢悉数这个词卫星、行星和恒星。要是天地飞船飞得离黑洞太近,它也会被拉进去。你也会被拉进去的,要是你衣着天外服飘夙昔。